
本(ben)栏(lan)目(mu)有(you)配(pei)套(tao)的(de)PDF打(da)印(yin)版(ban)下(xia)载(zai),其(qi)中(zhong)包(bao)括(kuo)本(ben)期(qi)词(ci)汇(hui)整(zheng)理(li),同(tong)学(xue)们(men)可(ke)以(yi)打(da)印(yin)出(chu)来(lai)在(zai)课(ke)余(yu)进(jin)行(xing)阅(yue)读(du),通(tong)过(guo)持(chi)续(xu)地(di)英(ying)语(yu)阅(yue)读(du)提(ti)升(sheng)词(ci)汇(hui)量(liang)并(bing)逐(zhu)步(bu)增(zeng)强(qiang)英(ying)语(yu)语(yu)感(gan)。 打(da)印(yin)版(ban)获(huo)取(qu)方(fang)式(shi)在(zai)文(wen)末(mo)~ 嫦(chang)娥(e)六(liu)号(hao)返(fan)回(hui)器(qi)抵(di)京(jing)开(kai)舱(cang) Returner of Chang'e-6 lunar probe opened after arrival in Beijing 向(xiang)上(shang)滑(hua)动(dong)阅(yue)览(lan) The returner of the Chang'e-6 lunar probe was opened at a ceremony in Beijing on Wednesday afternoon. During the ceremony at the China Academy of Space Technology under the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, researchers opened the returner and examined key technical indicators. Researchers involved with the ground application system will later carry out work related to sample storage, analysis and research as planned. The Chang'e-6 probe returner touched down on Tuesday, bringing back to Earth the first samples ever collected from the far side of the moon. Source:Xinhua Word Bank probe n.探(tan)究(jiu),详(xiang)尽(jin)调(diao)查(cha); touch down 着(zhe)陆(lu):到(dao)达(da)地(di)面(mian)。 “维(wei)基(ji)揭(jie)秘(mi)”创(chuang)始(shi)人(ren)阿(a)桑(sang)奇(qi)已(yi)从(cong)英(ying)国(guo)获(huo)释(shi) WikiLeaks founder Assange returns home a free man 向(xiang)上(shang)滑(hua)动(dong)阅(yue)览(lan) WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange returned home to Australia to start life as a free man Wednesday after admitting he revealed US defense secrets in a deal that unlocked the door to his London prison cell. Assange landed on a chilly Canberra evening in a private jet, the final act of an international drama that led him from a five-year stretch in the high-security Belmarsh prison in Britain to a courtroom in a US Pacific island territory and, finally, home. His white hair swept back, the Australian raised a fist as he emerged from the plane door, striding across the tarmac to give a hug to his wife Stella that lifted her off the ground, and then to embrace his father. Dozens of television journalists, photographers, and reporters peered through the airport fencing to see Assange, who wore a dark suit, white shirt, and brown tie. WikiLeaks said on X that it would hold a press conference in the Australian capital at 9:15pm on Wednesday, but did not say if Assange would be present. Assange's long battle with US prosecutors came to an unexpected end in the Northern Mariana Islands where a judge accepted his guilty plea on a single count of conspiracy to obtain and disseminate national defense information. The remote courtroom was chosen because of the 52-year-old's unwillingness to go to the continental United States and because of its proximity to Australia. Source:AFP Word Bank stretch v.(时(shi)间(jian)上(shang))延(yan)续(xu); courtroom n.法(fa)庭(ting);审(shen)判(pan)室(shi) fist n.拳(quan),拳(quan)头(tou); tarmac n.铺(pu)有(you)柏(bai)油(you)碎(sui)石(shi)的(de)飞(fei)机(ji)跑(pao)道(dao) prosecutor n.检(jian)察(cha)官(guan),公(gong)诉(su)人(ren); conspiracy n.阴(yin)谋(mou),密(mi)谋(mou);阴(yin)谋(mou)集(ji)团(tuan) disseminate v.<正(zheng)式(shi)>散(san)布(bu),传(chuan)播(bo)(信(xin)息(xi)、知(zhi)识(shi)等(deng)) 韩(han)国(guo)电(dian)池(chi)工(gong)厂(chang)重(zhong)大(da)火(huo)灾(zai)事(shi)故(gu)已(yi)致(zhi)22人(ren)遇(yu)难(nan) South Korea begins search for answers after battery plant fire kills 22 向(xiang)上(shang)滑(hua)动(dong)阅(yue)览(lan) The South Korean government ordered on Tuesday urgent safety inspections at high-risk industrial sites a day after a fire at a lithium battery factory that killed 22 workers with one person still missing. Officials from agencies including the National Forensic Service, police and the fire department entered the factory as part of a joint investigation. The blaze which broke out inside a warehouse with 35,000 lithium batteries produced toxic smoke, and the workers likely lost consciousness and succumbed within seconds, fire officials have said. The fire was the latest industrial accident in a country where dozens of manufacturing workers lose their lives on the job each year despite repeated calls to improve workplace safety. Seventeen of the 22 workers who died were Chinese and one Laotian was also among the dead. Most of them were hired temporarily to work at the plant packing primary lithium batteries run by unlisted company Aricell. The factory is in Hwaseong, an industrial cluster southwest of the capital Seoul. Source:Reuters Word Bank succumb v.屈(qu)服(fu),屈(qu)从(cong); cluster n.组(zu),簇(cu); 今(jin)日(ri)PDF打(da)印(yin)版(ban)下(xia)载(zai)方(fang)法(fa) 点(dian)击(ji)下(xia)方(fang)卡(ka)片(pian)关(guan)注(zhu)【SSP教(jiao)师(shi)助(zhu)手(shou)】微(wei)信(xin)公(gong)众(zhong)号(hao) 后(hou)台(tai)回(hui)复(fu)[新(xin)闻(wen)68]:,即(ji)可(ke)获(huo)取(qu)本(ben)期(qi)news 文(wen)档(dang)~

