
A: Did you know There are two TV dramas that are extremely popular in Guangdong, one is "The Local Husband of the Outsider Bride" and the other is "The 72 Tenants of Prosperity".B: Wow! They must be really popular to get you so excited!In Guangdong, there are two beloved TV dramas, "The Local Husband of the Outsider Bride" and "The 72 Tenants of Prosperity". They unfold in different eras and co ntexts, each with their own unique charm, attracting a large number of viewers.The female characters in these two dramas each have their own appealing traits. Let's start with "The Local Husband of the Outsider Bride" and talk about Auntie Ba. She is one of the central characters in the drama, with a full figure and a prosperous appearance. Auntie Ba has a humorous personality, is loyal in love, and as the owner of the courtyard, she holds important resources and power. She may appear strong on the outside, but she also has a soft side, which makes the audience fall in love with her character.Next, let's talk about Ah Heung in "The 72 Tenants of Prosperity". Ah Heung has a stark contrast in personality and treatment compared to Auntie Ba. She was adopted by Auntie Ba when she was young but suffered mistreatment. This environment has made her timid and introverted, filled with suspicion and caprice. However, Ah Heung's fair appearance has won the hearts of many male viewers, and she has been dubbed the "Mesmerizing Fragrance". Despite the passage of time, she still possesses her charm.Lily Mei is another beloved female character in "The 72 Tenants of Prosperity". Although she may not have outstanding looks, her personality is unforgettable. She is a true "Tomboy," straightforward, brave, optimistic, enthusiastic, filial, and hardworking. Compared to Ah Heung, her sunny temperament and positive attitude are loved by the audience. Lily Mei embodies a strong yet adorable female image, becoming an idol for many viewers.Honey Han is another popular female character who le ft the drama more than eight years ago but is still remembered by male viewers. Honey Han's strong femininity and mature charm have attracted many viewers, even though she is already in her thirties or forties. She represents an independent and confident woman, leaving a lasting impression.Lastly, we have Miss Ng in "The 72 Tenants of Prosperity". Although she joined the cast later, she shares s imilar personality traits and experiences with Honey Han. The difference is that Miss Ng is young and sexy. She inherits Honey Han's charm in her own way but also has her unique qualities. The audience has different preferences for her and Honey Han, but Honey Han still holds a special place in the hearts of many old viewers.These five female characters each have their own characteristics, showc asing the diversity of women. The audience's preferences for these characters vary due to factors such as personality, appearance, and age. This diversity reflects the audience's aesthetic and emotional preferences, making these two TV dramas even more colorful. It is these vivid characters that have brought unforgettable memories to the viewers in Guangdong, making these two TV dramas classics. 1. In "The Local Husband of the Outsider Bride," Auntie Ba stands out as a female lead with a humorous personality and a prosperous appearance. As the owner of the courtyard, she holds important resources and power. The audience loves her character because she is both strong and soft.2. In "The 72 Tenants of Prosperity," Ah Heung is a girl adopted by Auntie Ba, who has suffered mistreatment and has become timid and introverted. However, her fair appearance has won the hearts of many male viewers.3. Lily Mei in "The 72 Tenants of Prosperity" is a true "Tomboy," straightforward, brave, optimistic, enthusiastic, filial, and hardworking. The audience loves her sunny temperament and positive attitude.4. Honey Han, who left the drama years ago, is still remembered by male viewers. Her stro ng femininity and mature charm have attracted many viewers.5. Miss Ng, who joined the cast later in "The 72 Tenants of Prosperity," shares similar personality traits and experiences with Honey Han. However, she is young and sexy, showcasing her own unique qualities.The emergence of this phenomenon can be attributed to the portrayal of the characters and the actors' performances. These five fem ale characters have unique personalities and charm, which has led to different preferences among the audience. It also reflects the diversity of the audience's aesthetic and emotional preferences.A similar example is "Ode to Joy," another popular TV drama that tells the story of five women in urban life. This drama sparked widespread discussion and attention during its broadcast, and viewers had different levels of love for the five female leads. Public opinion believed that the success of this drama stemmed from the diversity and vivid portrayal of the characters.The impact of these events is significant. These TV dramas are not only loved by viewers in Guangdong but have also attracted national attention. These female characters have become idols and topics for the audience, influenc ing their aesthetic views and emotional preferences.These TV dramas have brought entertainment and thought-provoking pleasure to the viewers in Guangdong, allowing them to experience the characters' struggles and growth firsthand. Through these stories, they have found inspiration and encouragement for their own lives.For the actors, these TV dramas have become breakthroughs and stepping stone s, enhancing their popularity and acting skills. At the same time, they have brought them more opportunities and income. What are your thoughts on the female characters in these two TV dramas Which character do you prefer Why do you think the audience has different preferences for these characters Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions in the comments!

